AL = Owen, A. (ed.), Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, (2 vols, London, 1841).
DC = Dimetian Code, Ancient Laws
GC = Gwentian Code, Ancient Laws
VC = Venedotian Code, Ancient Laws
LW = Leges Wallicae, Ancient Laws (Latin A)
LHB = Leges Howeli Boni, Ancient Laws (Latin B, Book, chapter, sentence)
LHB = Leges Howeli Boni, Ancient Laws (Latin C, chapter, sentence. Where numbering in the text comes to an end, reference is given to page and line in the Quarto edition.)
Bleg = Williams, S. J., and J. E. Powell (eds.), Llyfr Blegywryd, (Cardiff, 1942).
Col = Jenkins, D., (ed.), Llyfr Colan (Cardiff, 1963).
Cyn = Llyfr Cynog Aled Rhys Wiliam
DwC = Jenkins, D., (ed.), Damweiniau Colan (Aberystwyth, 1973).
Ior = Wiliam, A. Rh., Llyfr Iorwerth (Cardiff, 1960).
J = Richards, M., Cyfreithiau Hywel Dda Yn Ôl Llawysgrif Coleg Yr Iesu LVII (Cardiff, 1990).
Pom = Roberts, S. E., Llawysgrif Pomffred: An Edition and Study of Peniarth MS 259B (Leiden, 2011).
WML = Wade-Evans, A. W., Welsh Medieval Law (Oxford, 1909).
LTWL = Emanuel, H. D., The Latin Texts of the Welsh Laws (Cardiff, 1967).
Lat C = Russell, P., Welsh Law in Medieval Anglesey. British Library, Harleian MS 1796 (Latin C), Texts and Studies in Medieval Welsh Law II (Cambridge, 2011).
The contents of the manuscripts have been listed in linked databases. In order to view the contents of individual manuscripts, select a manuscript from this list:
Select manuscript to view
A - Peniarth 29
B - BL Cotton Titus D II
C - BL Cotton Caligula A III
D - Peniarth 32
E - BL Additional 14931
G - Peniarth 35
K - Peniarth 40
Lew - Peniarth 39
I - Peniarth 38
J - Jesus College, Oxford, MS LVII
L - BL Cotton Titus D IX
M - Peniarth 33
N - Peniarth 36B
O - Peniarth 36A
P - Peniarth 259A
Q - Wynnstay 36
Ep - Peniarth 258
R - Peniarth 31
S - BL Additional 22356
Tim - Llanstephan 116
T - Harleian 958
Bost - LlGC 24029A
Llan - Llanstephan 29
Tr - Trinity College, Cambridge 1329
Mk - Bodorgan Manuscript
U - Peniarth 37
V - Harleian 4353
W - Cotton Cleopatra A XIV
X - Cotton Cleopatra B V
Y - NLW 20143A
Z - Peniarth 259B
[Col] - Peniarth 30
H - Peniarth 164
F - Peniarth 34
As - Peniarth 175
Mor - Peniarth 36C
An - Peniarth 166
Lat A - Peniarth 28
Lat B - Cotton Vespasian E XI 1
Lat C - Harleian 1796
Lat D - Rawlinson C 821
Lat E - Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 454
The contents have been divided into themed sections, sometimes following the headings given in major printed texts. Select a section from the list, and all instances of the section in all the manuscripts will be shown.
Search Sections
19 Necessary Things in a Gorsedd
Absent theft
A case of court and church
A case of land and earth
A case on boundaries
A case on suretyship
Accidental blows
Accidental fire
Accusations by women
Accusing a man of handling stolen property
Accusing of theft
Accusing someone of theft
Additional Officers
Additional Officers - Bakeress
Additional Officers - Chief of song
Additional Officers - Court Blacksmith
Additional Officers - Dung maer
Additional Officers - Footholder
Additional Officers - Fueller
Additional Officers - Groom of the Rein
Additional Officers - Introduction
Additional Officers - Launderess
Additional Officers - Porter
Additional Officers - Rhingyll
Additional Officers - Watchman
Additional on land
Age of the world
A letter in a later hand
A man's means of getting goods
Anastasius Pope
A plaint for land
Appealing to God
Blinding by a branch
Bondsman with a manor
Bondsmen and others
Bondsmen and renders
Book of Cynog
Book of Cynyr ap Cadwgan
Borrowing and pledges
Breaking co-tillage contract
Case for land
Case of rape
Case of theft
Causing fire; killing animals; paying amobr
Charter of Hywel Dda
Church land; Clerical law
Church protection
Claiming a foreigner
Claiming theft
Closing sentence
Coming of age
Compiling the law
Corn damage
Court justice
Court justice - Court justice
Court justice - Justice and judgement
Cowyll and wynebwerth
Crime against the lord
Cyhyryn canastr
Damweiniau - Borrowing; admitting a killing; theft
Damweiniau - Denying a dog or a bird
Damweiniau - O derfydd llosgi ty o walltan
Damweiniau I
Damweiniau II
Damweiniau II - Triads
Dead animals
Dead foreigner on a man's land
Delays in law
Denial of goods
Denial of woodland and conspiracies
Denying a pledge
Denying a son
Denying galanas for frightening a woman
Denying joint land [Fragment]
Denying oaths
Denying sarhad
Denying stealing an animal
Dispute and compurgation against a thief
Division of galanas
Ebediw (death duty)
Entitled land
Equipment; furniture; weapons
Family law
Fifteen lower officers
Fifteen lower officers - Butler
Fifteen lower officers - Candleman
Fifteen lower officers - Chamber Doorkeeper
Fifteen lower officers - Chief Groom
Fifteen lower officers - Cook
Fifteen lower officers - Court officer
Fifteen lower officers - Court poet
Fifteen lower officers - Doorkeeper
Fifteen lower officers - Footholder
Fifteen lower officers - Groom of the Rein
Fifteen lower officers - Handmaid
Fifteen lower officers - Introduction of fifteen lower officers
Fifteen lower officers - Mead Brewer
Fifteen lower officers - Mediciner
Fifteen lower officers - Queen's Distain
Fifteen lower officers - Queen's Groom of the rein
Fifteen lower officers - Silentiary
Fifteen thieves
Final division
Fire or hot iron
Five keys of a justice
Footholder's dues to the king
Four keys of justiceship
Four men whose plaint is heard
Four necessities of justice
Galanas and sarhad
Galanas of a weapon holder
Giving a woman
Goods taken in war
Gorsedd Ddygynnull
Gwyddor Cyfraith Hywel
Half sentence
Heading - Evidence of a justice
Heading - Theft
Heading - Value of limbs
Heavy blow
Heir of king's land
Holding a lawful session
Hunting - Hounds
Hunting - Hunting rules
Hunting - Stags
Illegible text
Injury to an animal
Innocent bystander
Introduction to the laws of country
Judgement in court on the earth
Justice's duties
Keeping before loss
Killing and attacks
King's sarhaed
King's supper-giver
Land case according to the Gwynedd method
Land case diagram
Land law
Land law -
Land law - Agricultural work; with owner's permission
Land law - Agriculture
Land law - Bondsmen
Land law - Boundaries
Land law - Case for land
Land law - Church land and the king
Land law - Church land law
Land law - Claiming church land
Land law - Claiming days
Land law - Claiming land
Land law - Claiming land; manors
Land law - Clerical land and the king
Land law - Coastal land law
Land law - Dadannudd
Land law - Dawnbwyd (food renders)
Land law - Despoiling
Land law - Division of land
Land law - Division of patrimony and inheritance of land
Land law - Dung maer and maerdref
Land law - Foreigners
Land law - Gaining and losing land
Land law - Gwestfa (food provision)
Land law - Gwestfa and dawnbwyd
Land law - Head of kindred and noblemen
Land law - King's bondsmen
Land law - King's rights
Land law - King's rights on the commote
Land law - King's right to liquor from all free manors
Land law - King's right to liquor from each free manor
Land law - Land case
Land law - Land measurements
Land law - Lawful measurements and Dyfnwal Moelmud
Land law - Lineage and descent
Land law - Maer; Cynghellor; Dung maer and land
Land law - Measurements and Dyfnwal Moelmud
Land law - Method of dividing a township
Land law - Method of dividing township
Land law - Nobleman's claim on bondsman's land
Land law - Other rights
Land law - Privilege through the mother
Land law - Right to sell land
Land law - Setting boundaries
Land law - Shared land
Land law - The king's rights
Land law - Transfer of land ownership
Land law - Transferring land ownership
Land law - Trespass
Land law - Triads on land
Land law - Tri tlws cenedl
Land law - Women and land
Land where killing occurs
Lawful animals
Lawful defence
Law of borrowing
Law of gold
Law of silver
Legal cases
Liability to despoil
Lord's right to goods
Losing a case through a wrong word
Maeldaf Hynaf
Maer and Cynghellor
Maer and cynghellor
Maintaining the king and his court
Manors and renders
Men and women's rights
Men who ought to be maintainers
Men whose testimony does not stand
Miscellaneous - All bonds useable
Miscellaneous - Argae terfyn; judgement
Miscellaneous - Banishment
Miscellaneous - Blood; exchange of goods
Miscellaneous - Boundaries
Miscellaneous - Claiming a usable claim
Miscellaneous - Claiming land through division
Miscellaneous - Claim of final division
Miscellaneous - Conspiracies; animals
Miscellaneous - Dadannudd
Miscellaneous - Denial; accusation
Miscellaneous - Denial; oaths
Miscellaneous - Denial; wrong and animals
Miscellaneous - Dwy wyddwalaeth
Miscellaneous - Evidence (naw tafodiog)
Miscellaneous - Evidence; excuses; despoiling
Miscellaneous - Exchange of property
Miscellaneous - Fours
Miscellaneous - Gafael; enaid faddau; claiming
Miscellaneous - Geldable Land
Miscellaneous - Gweresgyn
Miscellaneous - Head of kindred
Miscellaneous - Judgement in the absence of a party
Miscellaneous - Justice
Miscellaneous - Keeping a guest
Miscellaneous - Land
Miscellaneous - Land and other
Miscellaneous - Land case
Miscellaneous - Law closing
Miscellaneous - Lawful excuses
Miscellaneous - Law of a son
Miscellaneous - Nine abetments of theft
Miscellaneous - Non-present surreption
Miscellaneous - On a boundary claim
Miscellaneous - On claims; on theft
Miscellaneous - On fire
Miscellaneous - On knowers
Miscellaneous - Payments
Miscellaneous - Procedure
Miscellaneous - Rape
Miscellaneous - Secret sustenance; on plaints
Miscellaneous - Service for land
Miscellaneous - Son with no heir
Miscellaneous - Stays of sworn appraisal
Miscellaneous - Theft; male animal
Miscellaneous - Triads; legal cases
Miscellaneous - Triads on cases and court order
Miscellaneous - Tri chenol
Miscellaneous - Tri dyn a gaiff da gyffroedig
Miscellaneous - Tri dyn a gyneil tir;
Miscellaneous - Tri dyn ni ddylir erbynio na gwrando
Miscellaneous - Tri dyn ni ddyly sefyll mewn barn; Tri chyffredin gwlad
Miscellaneous - Tri dyn ni dylir eu gwerthu
Miscellaneous - Tri dyn ni ellir canlyn cwynau; Tri da dilis difach
Miscellaneous - Tri gwasanaeth offeiriad llys
Miscellaneous - Tri perchnogaeth tir
Miscellaneous - Unlawful men; wrongs; blows
Miscellaneous - Usability; breaking a vow
Miscellaneous - Various plaints; triads
Miscellaneous - Women and suretyship
Miscellaneous - Ymliwio
Naw affaith carennydd
Needs of the edling
Nines of law
Nine tongued-ones
Ninth days
Note on the origin of the manuscript
Notes in a later hand
Objecting to knowers
Objection before time
Office and privilege of a justice
Office of a justice
On anoddau
On arddelw
On augmentation
On bonds
On camlwrw
On claiming and pledges
On claims
On corn damage
On crosses
On dadannudd
On equal claims
On faulty oaths
On fore oaths
On judgement
On land
On law
On lawful periods
On losing goods
On maintainers
On mother-right
On oaths
On pleading
On relatives
On sessions
On setting boundaries
On summons
On the court
On theft
On theft; rape and surreption
On the king's goods
On witnesses
Order of the Court
Other officers
Other officers - Chief of song
Other officers - Court Blacksmith
Other officers - Dung maer
Other officers - Maer and cynghellor
Other officers - Porter
Other officers - Rhingyll
Other officers - Watchman
Other things
Other things - Eight packhorses of the king
Other things - King's rights
Other things - Triad collection
Paying land for galanas
Pedwar Rhwym Dadl
Personal names
Pigs and hunting
Pigs in woods and corn
Pleadings - Stating the extent of a claim
Pleadings - Surety failing of goods
Pleadings on suretyship
Ploughing and co-tillage
Practices of law
Privileges of Arfon
Prologue to laws of country
Provosts and galanas
Public wrongdoing
Punishments for galanas
Punishments for theft
Queen's sarhaed
Rape of women
Referring to Latin books
Relics in a land case
Religious text
Rhingyll's sarhaed
Rights of builders
Sarhaed; galanas and value
Sarhaed and galanas of four countries
Sarhaed and value
Set periods
Setting boundaries
Seven bishop-houses of Dyfed
Seven women whose sons are not entitled to land
Six ways of losing land
Stance in pleadings
Stating the extent of a claim
Status in a duel
Status of the court and poetry
Stay of sworn appraisal
Stealth killing
Summoning a man
Surety failing of goods
Swearing for land
Testing judges
Text in a different hand
The Court Officers
The Edling
The King's Officers
The King's Officers - Butler
The King's Officers - Candleman
The King's Officers - Captain of the Household
The King's Officers - Chamber Doorkeeper
The King's Officers - Chamberlain
The King's Officers - Chambermaid
The King's Officers - Chief Falconer
The King's Officers - Chief Groom
The King's Officers - Chief Huntsman
The King's Officers - Chief groom
The King's Officers - Chief of song
The King's Officers - Cook
The King's Officers - Court Blacksmith
The King's Officers - Court Justice
The King's Officers - Court justice
The King's Officers - Court justice - justice and judgement
The King's Officers - Court poet
The King's Officers - Distain
The King's Officers - Doorkeeper
The King's Officers - Dung maer
The King's Officers - Falconer
The King's Officers - Groom of the Rein
The King's Officers - Hall Doorkeeper
The King's Officers - Household priest
The King's Officers - Mead-brewer
The King's Officers - Mead Brewer
The King's Officers - Mediciner
The King's Officers - Ordinary officers
The King's Officers - Porter
The King's Officers - Priest of the Household
The King's Officers - Queen's Priest
The King's Officers - Rhingyll
The King's Officers - Triads
The King's Officers - Usher
The Queen's Officers
The Queen's Officers - Handmaid
The Queen's Officers - Introduction
The Queen's Officers - Queen's Candleman
The Queen's Officers - Queen's Chamberlain
The Queen's Officers - Queen's Chief Groom
The Queen's Officers - Queen's Cook
The Queen's Officers - Queen's Distain
The Queen's Officers - Queen's Doorkeeper
The Queen's Officers - Queen's Priest
Theft not present
Theft present
Theft with denial and compurgation
Theft without denial and compurgation
The king's company
The three books of law
The value of blood
The value of limbs
The words of the Seven Wise
Thieves; witnesses
Things equal to theft in hand
Things of equal value
This is the law of the court
Three Columns of Law
Three Columns of Law - Close
Three Columns of Law - Fire
Three Columns of Law - Galanas
Three Columns of Law - Introduction
Three Columns of Law - Introduction and explanation about laws of court
Three Columns of Law - Nine abetments of fire
Three Columns of Law - Nine abetments of galanas
Three Columns of Law - Nine abetments of theft
Three Columns of Law - Sarhadau
Three Columns of Law - Theft
Three cries
Three high courts
Three lawful agweddi
Three places a man should state the extent of his claim
Three reasons a man loses patrimony
Three secrets
Three shames of a maiden
Three things a man loses in pleadings
Time for court and church
Time for oaths
Time to answer
Triad collection
Triads - Extended Collection
Triads; justices and judging
Triads; various subjects
Triads; various subjects - Abetment for theft
Triads; various subjects - Camlwrw
Triads; various subjects - Cattle and animals
Triads; various subjects - Diofryd; riding
Triads; various subjects - Dirwy; fighting; king's protection
Triads; various subjects - Justice and judging
Triads; various subjects - King and queen
Triads; various subjects - Law of the court
Triads; various subjects - Legal activity
Triads; various subjects - On objection
Triads; various subjects - Sarhaed and augmentation
Triads; various subjects - Teithi and values
Triads; various subjects - Women; animals
Triads on land
Tri chyfeiliorn cyfraith
Twelve Unwise
Two important dates
Two men with no galanas
Unwritten law
Value of Wild and Tame
Value of Wild and Tame - Animals of the hunt
Value of Wild and Tame - Bees
Value of Wild and Tame - Cats
Value of Wild and Tame - Cattle
Value of Wild and Tame - Cattle and oxen
Value of Wild and Tame - Close
Value of Wild and Tame - Falcons
Value of Wild and Tame - Geese
Value of Wild and Tame - Geese and chickens
Value of Wild and Tame - Horses
Value of Wild and Tame - Horses (continued)
Value of Wild and Tame - Hounds
Value of Wild and Tame - Hunting
Value of Wild and Tame - Pigs
Value of Wild and Tame - Sheep and goats
Value of Wild and Tame - Skins
Value of Wild and Tame - Teithi of men and women
Value of Wild and Tame - Trees
Value of kilns
Value of medical treatment
Values - Animals
Values - Buildings
Values - Equipment; furniture; goods etc
Values - Ready-made clothing
Values - Skins
Values - Trees
Verdict and compurgation of the country
Violence in absence
Where there should be maintainers
Witnesses and testimony
Witness on surety
Women's other rights
Women's rights; ebediw
Women and land
Women and property
Wrong decision
Wrongful detention
Wrong judgements
alcoholic drink
building work
church and law
cry above emptiness
cyfarch cyffyll
death and the law
death duty
galanas and killing
justice the
legal periods
legal procedure
military service
reckon land
royal court
sworn appraisal