Damweiniau might be translated, literally but unhelpfully, by 'happenings'. There is a Book of Damweiniau preserved in several thirteenth-century manuscripts immediately after Ior. Damweiniau appears to have been a name given to material consisting predominantly of a series of conditional sentences of the form 'If it happens that X, then Y (O derfydd X, Y or even O damweinia X, Y.) These are interspersed with triads and other material.' Thomas Charles-Edwards, The Welsh Laws (Writers of Wales, Cardiff, 1989).
The material in the damweiniau collections has been listed individually here and it is possible to view the collections of damweiniau in individual manuscripts, by 'search manuscripts'.
It is also possible to search the damweiniau by keywords and subject.
AL = Owen, A. (ed.), Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, (2 vols, London, 1841).
DC = Dimetian Code, Ancient Laws
GC = Gwentian Code, Ancient Laws
VC = Venedotian Code, Ancient Laws
LW = Leges Wallicae, Ancient Laws (Latin A)
LHB = Leges Howeli Boni, Ancient Laws (Latin B, Book, chapter, sentence)
LHB = Leges Howeli Boni, Ancient Laws (Latin C, chapter, sentence. Where numbering in the text comes to an end, reference is given to page and line in the Quarto edition.)
Bleg = Williams, S. J., and J. E. Powell (eds.), Llyfr Blegywryd, (Cardiff, 1942).
Col = Jenkins, D., (ed.), Llyfr Colan (Cardiff, 1963).
Cyn = Llyfr Cynog Aled Rhys Wiliam
DwC = Jenkins, D., (ed.), Damweiniau Colan (Aberystwyth, 1973).
Ior = Wiliam, A. Rh., Llyfr Iorwerth (Cardiff, 1960).
J = Richards, M., Cyfreithiau Hywel Dda Yn Ôl Llawysgrif Coleg Yr Iesu LVII (Cardiff, 1990).
Pom = Roberts, S. E., Llawysgrif Pomffred: An Edition and Study of Peniarth MS 259B (Leiden, 2011).
WML = Wade-Evans, A. W., Welsh Medieval Law (Oxford, 1909).
LTWL = Emanuel, H. D., The Latin Texts of the Welsh Laws (Cardiff, 1967).
Lat C = Russell, P., Welsh Law in Medieval Anglesey. British Library, Harleian MS 1796 (Latin C), Texts and Studies in Medieval Welsh Law II (Cambridge, 2011).